Education for west africa

Help us uplift the future of West Africa through transformative
educational programs.

Our Program goals

At the heart of our organization is a deeply-rooted commitment to the establishment of new churches and the education of future pastors. We are keenly aware that vast expanses of Western Africa are yet to hear the life-altering message of the Gospel. Driven by this understanding, our goal is to plant churches that not only believe in the teachings of the Bible but are also resilient and dynamic. We aspire for these churches to mature and prosper, eventually multiplying and expanding their influence, echoing the biblical principle found in Matthew 28:19, “Go therefore and make disciples of all the nations”.

About Our Program

“Train up a child in the way he should go; even when he is old he will not depart from it.”
Proverbs 22:6

The educational landscape in West Africa presents numerous challenges. Education, or the lack thereof, plays a critical role in perpetuating the cycle of poverty. The barriers are multifaceted, from prohibitive tuition fees to outdated educational infrastructures, which have remained unchanged since the colonial era. Consequently, students often leave school with a limited knowledge base and a narrow understanding of the world. Additionally, the current educational framework does not promote critical thinking or decision-making abilities, limiting their potential for innovative thinking and vision creation.

WALYM is determined to intervene and make a difference. We aim to establish schools in West Africa that provide guidance and future career decision-making assistance for students. Our approach to education also includes vocational training to help students develop essential skills and entrepreneurial spirit, thereby boosting their employability and potential for self-employment.

During our research, we discovered the prevalent lack of adequate educational resources. Schools, ranging from elementary to high school level, often lack libraries or labs for practical learning. This shortage is not universal but is prevalent enough to warrant our attention. Our mission is to nurture a culture of reading and equip schools with vital resources, such as libraries and computer labs. Furthermore, we aim to build new educational institutions to bridge this gap.

A key component of this project is the establishment of a community library to provide students, pastors, and community members with ample resources for their studies. Do you specialize in this area? We invite you to join our cause. Reach out to us and discover how you could contribute to training teachers in Africa, establishing community libraries, and supplying schools with much-needed resources, all guided by the hand of the Lord.



West Africa Leadership And Youth Ministries is actively carrying out the Great Commission by spreading the gospel throughout West Africa. You can help us directly, without ever needing to leave the comfort of your own home.